If your axis is coupled to a ballscrew then the rotational position MUST be directly linked to the linear position. Whether you and I will be ready any time soon is another question! As to your current question if you use a modern servo and drive prefered or alternately a closed loop stepper less advantageous but useful you can achieve what you want. Mach is not 'yet' quite ready for Ethercat, but it will be. This is an example of 'distributed motion control'. Mach still plans the trajectories and communicates to each servodrive but each servodrive does it own motion control. The latest and greatest servodrives actually have a partial motion controller built in and they do their own motion control for its own axis.

The servo drive has the smarts built in to close the loop. The encoder is hooked NOT to the controller but to the servodrive. So all the smarts were in the controller and the servodrive was dumb. What would be the function of the encoder inputs on the ESS board? In the early days of CNC servo drives were just amplifiers, they required a precision analogue input from the motion controller.

My wife left with my best friend Please see attached picture. That way, the CNC would not be forced to seek home again. Baykal press brakeĭear, About the encoder inputs of the ESS board with Mach4: a Is Mach4 capable of detecting a "following error" and performing an emergency stop? Consider a step loss situation detected by the encoder reading. Pb_user_ / Octo/ Ethercat mach4 / comments