
Sengoku basara 2 heroes character
Sengoku basara 2 heroes character

sengoku basara 2 heroes character

  • Eye Scream: Masamune's missing eye had to be gouged out in his youth.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Even if you're into historical accuracy, if you do not put an eyepatch on Date Masamune, you're doing it wrong.
  • As well as having Alastor as his weapons in the earlier games and the above-mentioned Actor Allusion, he even gets a Dante costume (complete with white hair and Alastor) as DLC in the fourth game.
  • Expy: Personality-wise, he's one of Dante of the Devil May Cry series, and, while he lacks guns, some of his moves resemble DMC moves, such as Stinger and High Time.
  • sengoku basara 2 heroes character

    Dual Wielding: How about wielding six swords at once instead of just two swords, HA? Or six Alastors, heh?.Made even worse in the Samurai Legends manga, where Hideyoshi dislocates Masamune's shoulder (forcing him to fix it himself to keep fighting) and almost drowns him.Gets thrown through several walls, nearly strangled to death, is shoved into a stone castle wall and punched so hard that the whole castle is destroyed and collapses on top of him. Defiant to the End: In the anime, when Nobunaga threatens to stab his eye out, Masamune tells him to go on and try it.In the anime dub he rarely says anything that isn't snarky."We wouldn't want anyone else with a scary face like yours hanging around now would we, Kojuro?" From the third game, Magoichi seems to bring out the smooth-talker in him too. The Charmer: He's charismatic enough that most characters can't help but be drawn to him.It's not just any Cool Horse, but a Motor-Horse. And though not to the point of Verbal Tic, he does sometimes end his sentences with the phrase "you see?" Catchphrase: Masamune always loves a good "party" when he gets the chance.Calling Your Attacks: With Engrish to boot!."Masamune Date - Ready to Party" for Samurai Heroes.Blood Knight: He frequently picks one-on-one battles just for the hell of it, whether they're necessary or not, to prove his strength.It takes a pep-talk from Kojuro to snap him out of it. This is especially prevalent in Judge End, where he's so blinded by his rage that he almost kills Yukimura because he hallucinates that he's Mitsunari. He also does not take kindly to being beaten by Mitsunari, and sets out on a Roaring Rampage of Revenge."You used someone as a shield, just so that you can finish him, along with your enemies, from behind? There are things that you should, and shouldn't do!" Bandage Babe: After getting shot in season 1 and his second fight with Hideyoshi in season 2.Badass Longcoat: Gets a white one in Sanada Yukimura-den.Badass Biker: His anime horse has handlebars and Harley Davidson exhaust pipes.Though others with less respect for him, like Hideyoshi, will instead compare him to a snake. Historically, he hadn't even been born at the time. Anachronism Stew: In anime and manga, he plays a major role in the Battle of Okehazama.The first two seasons of the anime made his eyes gray (though in Judge End they've gone back to being brown like in the games). Adaptation Dye-Job: The Ranse Ranbu manga made his hair white.His Devil Kings counterpart's name was Azure Dragon. He's also a guy who values style, therefore his army look very delinquentish and he likes spouting Engrish speeches.

    sengoku basara 2 heroes character

    He's out mostly to conquer the land and get on a good fight while he's at it. Young, cool but Hot-Blooded leader of the Date clan from Oshu Province.

    sengoku basara 2 heroes character

    "Now give it all you've got and let me enjoy this!"

    Sengoku basara 2 heroes character